Saturday, March 21, 2020

Arieanne Evans-Hill Essays (266 words) - Mali Empire, Songhai Empire

Arieanne Evans-Hill November 27, 2017 History of Art 01 Dr. Jones West African Manuscript Questions Importance of manuscripts to the community. How does this change with Africa's place in European history? Manuscripts in Timbuktu provide a new understanding of West African history. Conserving the manuscripts is very important to the culture because conserving history and reiterating what happened in the past is how the culture survives in the world. African history is built on oral tradition, historians believe that it's not credible but it is a source, nonetheless. Timbuktu translates into something relating to books. The manuscripts also rendered as tools to teach Islamic practices and knowledge in the community. The information in West Africa's manuscripts is a great source of common knowledge which will always be good for teaching. The existence of a manuscript is a legay within itself because even after an entire original culture is long gone, written history keeps the memory alive forever (if preserved correctly) and provides a credible way of learning about it through words. With Timbuktu having manuscripts and basically having a long history and established culture before European imperialism, it negates the fact that Europeans "made" Africans better when they captured them and put them into slavery. West African and Chinese manuscripts can be compared in two ways: both are essential to their respective cultures when educating people about the ways of the ancestors or in China's case, about Buddhist gods and their relationships as well as learning about and keeping West African and Chinese cultural history alive to this day.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Valuable guide to major writing styles

Valuable guide to major writing styles Writing styles It is known that there are a few kinds of writing styles. A style is a means of describing subjects, places, events, and presenting ideas. Every writer takes personal approach to analyzing some issues and communicating with readers. Each paper has a specific purpose. Some works are produced to explain how some mechanisms works. Other pieces of writing tend to convince readers of something. It is understandable that each author has a particular style of writing stories. Nevertheless, according to the aim of writing, there are four main types of papers. If you want to know how to prepare papers using a particular style, consider the following points: Expository Writing Style The aim of such a work is to inform readers about something or explain how to do something. When writing this type of paper, you should not express your opinion about the analyzed subject. It means that you need to be objective when examining the given topic. It is important to provide straightforward facts about the discussed matter. Furthermore, you may also present charts, tables, and statistical data to make the analysis more detailed. Do not forget that you should not share your point of view on the matter. Note that it is one of the most popular styles of writing. It is widely applied to producing handbooks. Expository papers:Describe different processes; Provide vivid details about the discussed issue; Present information logically.An expository style of writing is used to produce:Recipes Textbooks Guides Newspaper Articles Scientific Works Descriptive Style of Writing It is known that there are different writing styles. This one must be the most specific among all the others. It concentrates on the peculiar features of events, characters, etc. The chief aim of the work produced in this style is to provide detailed description of the debated matter. Therefore, when preparing papers in this style, you need to explore every last detail about the selected subject. Thus, you will be able to write a superior essay. By the way, there is a considerable variety of poems written in this style. Peculiar Features:It describes the analyzed subject (places, situation, people, etc.) in detail. It is widely used in poetry unlike other types of writing styles. It helps readers imagine the described events and feel the emotions described by the author of the story.This style may be found in:Diaries Poetry Fiction Stories Compositions describing naturePersuasive Writing Method According to the writing style definition, persuasive papers try to convince readers to take the authors position. When producing a piece of persuasive writing, you may express your personal opinion about the discussed matter. This is a key feature that differs this style from the expository one. When preparing a work in this style, you should state convincing reasons to persuade readers to take your personal point of view on the discussed issue. Letters of complaint, advertisements, cover letters, etc., are usually written in this style. Persuasive pieces of writing:provide strong evidence to support the authors opinion; present the authors point of view on the analyzed issues and persuade readers to take it; motivate readers to participate in the discussion.A persuasive style of writing can be found in:Advertisements Cover letters Reviews (movie, story, book, etc.) Recommendation letters Letters of complaint Narrative Writing This is one of the most wide-spread essay writing styles. Narrative papers have the same features as stories. They are often presented in the form of dialogues. The prime purpose of such works is to tell readers an interesting story. Authors usually create characters and involve them in different situations. Sometimes, the narrations are written in the first person singular. Such works as bibliographies, novels, poetic pieces, and others are usually produced in this style. Narrative essays tell readers what happens with the characters and how they act in the situations described by the author. Significant Features:Narrations retell a story; Narrative papers have main and minor characters; Narrative pieces of writing present a logical flow of information; This type of papers shows how characters handle conflicts and find solutions to the faced problems.A persuasive style of writing is used in the following works:Poems Novels Anecdotes Autobiographical papersConcluding Section The writing styles discussed above are used for producing different types of papers. However, you should know that there are a lot of their sub-types that may be applied to preparing works as well. If you want to write a good essay every time your professor gives you an assignment, you should be well-aware of the key features of these styles. The most important thing is determine the purpose of writing a paper. Then, you will easily choose and use the required style.