Monday, October 7, 2019

The Time Back Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Time Back - Essay Example For the rest of the things the inhabitants of Rishyap still have to visit Kalimpong, the nearest town. It was an excursion at that time with friends, exploring the tribes of Himalayas. A group of 45 people who kept the place busy for 7 days. They were young blood that always rushed for adventure at that time, especially when intoxicated by the local beer that contains more alcohol than any other beer of the world. Rishyap was green at that time just like it is now; and the alluring Kanchanjangha, the third highest peak of the world always playing a hide and seek amidst that green and occasional fog. And amidst that hide and seek one day Chimli appeared - Chimli a woman with Mongolian features and a smile that would even bring lightening in a cloudy evening. 20 years is a long time specially to forget someone like Chimli, but the attraction of Kanchanjangha and the serene beauty of Rishyap once again compelled Robin to come here, however this time with his family. Robin has been marri ed to Martha, a doctorate in psychology and has one son, Dave. Robin has availed a package tour that would take him to entire Sikkim and at the end Lava, Lolegaon and Rishyap, his final destintion. From Rishyap they would go to Kolkata and by flight to Mumbai to leave for USA, their country of origin. The evening at Rishyap is enchanting. As one to two and two to three stars appeared in the sky soon to multiply and go uncounted, a fire was set near the hotel to celebrate a campfire in this early January. A local girl was singing a nice tune. Though the words were beyond understanding, yet the tune was heart melting. Robin took a large whisky and a piece of chicken to make the most of this fiery surrounding. Soon a peg became two and two became three. Alcohol often helps to recollect past events especially if they are covered deep under the dust of subsequent events that has followed over the years. It was a similar evening 20 years back. All his friends were having a good time with their booze and getting themselves warm around the fire that was burning beneath the open sky. Chimli was singing a local song and some one was playing a drum like instrument. The environment was cosy and enjoyable. One after another, all his friends moved to their respective rooms when they felt the whisky was becoming too much to bear with. Only Robin sat and Chimli kept on singing. The fire was almost dying and Robin failed to gauge the intensity of the alcohol he was consuming at that time. Soon he realised it was not possible for him to take himself to his room as he was floating in alcohol rather than walking on land. Chimli came to rescue. she held him around his waist and took him to his room. Robin felt the soft touches that were irresistible for someone of his age and especially under booze. The room was dark and while Chimli was trying to put Robin to bed, owing to the weight of Robin and his state they both rolled over the bed. The rest Robin remembers little; just that there was not much resistance from Chimli against whatever had happened and she disappeared in the darkness once it was over. Robin never saw Chimli again, the next day he looked for her but she was nowhere to be seen. Then they left Rishyap and soon Chimli became an event out of intoxication. Robin’s eyelids were now heavy, his hands merely reaching the glass and his feet seemed to be buried into the

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